DEPRECATED - Please use the Stripe Billing Laravel instead.
Choose what version of Laravel you're using below:
Stripe Laravel billing functionality for your Eloquent models.
The package requires PHP 5.4+ and follows the FIG standards PSR-1, PSR-2 and PSR-4 to ensure a high level of interoperability between shared PHP.
Have a read through the Installation Guide and on how to Integrate it with Laravel 4.
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Loop through all the entity subscriptions
foreach ($entity->subscriptions as $subscription) {
if ($subscription->expired()) {
echo 'Subscription has expired!';
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Find a card
$card = $entity->cards->find(10);
if ($card->hasExpired() {
echo 'The card has expired.';
Cartalyst packages utilize Composer, for more information on how to install Composer please read the Composer Documentation.
Open your composer.json
file and add the following to the require
"cartalyst/stripe-laravel-billing": "1.0.*@dev"
Add the following lines after the require
array on your composer.json
"repositories": [
{ "type": "composer", "url": "" }
Note: Make sure that after the required changes your
file is valid by runningcomposer validate
Install the dependencies
Run Composer to install or update the new requirement.
php composer install
php composer update
Note: Please read the Cartalyst Stripe Laravel integration documentation before continuing!!
After installing the package, open your Laravel config file located at app/config/app.php
and add the following lines.
In the $providers
array add the following service provider for this package.
Model setup
Add the Cartalyst\Stripe\Laravel\Billing\Billable
to your Eloquent model and make sure that the model implements the Cartalyst\Stripe\Laravel\Billing\BillableContract
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Cartalyst\Stripe\Laravel\Billing\Billable;
use Cartalyst\Stripe\Laravel\Billing\BillableContract;
class User extends Model implements BillableContract
use Billable;
* {@inheritdoc}
protected $table = 'users';
Now you need to migrate your database, but before doing that, you'll need to generate the migrations that suits your billable table and to do this you just need to run the following command and follow the instructions given on screen:
$ php artisan stripe:schema
Now that the migration files have been created all that's left to do is to run the php artisan migrate
to create the tables on your database.
Now that you have the billing package configured correctly, it's now time to set or even create a new Stripe customer and attach this customer to a billable entity.
Note: This is a required step as every billable entity needs to have a Stripe customer attached, otherwise you'll receive a
Attach a Customer
This method is useful when you already have an existing Stripe customer and you want to attach it to a billable entity:
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Attach the Stripe customer to the entity
Now your billable entity has a valid Stripe customer attached :)
Create a new Customer
Creating a new Stripe customer and attaching it to a billable entity couldn't be any easier:
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Create the Stripe customer
'email' => $entity->email,
If you want to create a new Stripe customer and set a coupon on the account you can call the withStripeDiscount()
method and pass the coupon name as the first and only parameter:
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Create the Stripe customer and set the given discount
'email' => $entity->email,
Update a Customer
You can also update a Stripe customer, just call the updateStripeCustomer()
method and pass an array with the parameters you wish to update:
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Update the Stripe customer
'description' => 'This is a VIP customer!',
Delete a Customer
There are situations where you might want to delete a Stripe customer, you can easily do that by doing:
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Delete the Stripe customer
Note: This step is irreversible and it will delete all the account data from Stripe and from your local storage!!
General methods
In this section we'll cover some actions you can perform against your billable entity object.
Note We're covering most of these in this section as they don't fit on the other sections.
Determine if the entity is billable
This method is very useful when you need to determine if the entity is ready to be billed, or in other words, if the entity has a Stripe customer already attached.
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Check if the entity is billable
if (! $entity->isBillable()) {
echo "Entity is not ready to be billed!";
Determine if entity has a discount applied
Determine if the entity has a Stripe discount coupon applied
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Check if the entity has a stripe discount applied
if (! $entity->hasStripeDiscount()) {
echo "Entity doesn't have a Stripe discount applied.";
Apply a discount on the entity
Applies a coupon on the entity, this will execute a Stripe API call to apply the coupon on the Stripe customer that is attached to this entity.
Key | Required | Type | Default | Description |
$coupon | true | string | null | The coupon unique identifier. |
// Get the submitted Stripe coupon
$coupon = Input::get('coupon');
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Apply the coupon on the entity
Removes the coupon from the billable entity.
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Apply the coupon on the entity
Synchronize the entity
There are situations where you want to synchronize an entity with Stripe, we make this extremely easy for you.
You just need to call the syncWithStripe();
method on the entity:
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Synchronize the entity with Stripe
This will syncronize up the cards, charges, invoices and their invoice items, the pending invoice items and subscriptions that belongs to your entity.
Note: Due to the nature of this method, we highly recommend you to run this through a CLI, to avoid timeouts and interruptions.
You can store multiple cards on an Entity in order to charge the Entity later.
Create a card
When attaching a card to an entity, you can either pass a card token that was either created using Stripe.js or trough a Stripe Card Token or by passing an array with the card information.
The following are the arguments that the create()
method of the Card Gateway accepts.
Key | Required | Type | Default | Description |
$card | true | string | array | [] | The card to attach. |
The following are the valid parameters that the $card
argument accepts when being passed as an array.
Key | Required | Type | Default | Description |
number | true | string | null | The card number, as a string without any spaces or separators. |
exp_month | true | string | number | null | Two digit number representing the card's expiration month. |
exp_year | true | string | number | null | Two or four digit number representing the card's expiration year. |
cvc | true | string | null | The card's security code |
name | false | string | null | The cardholder's full name. |
address_line1 | false | string | null | The cardholder's address, line 1. |
address_line2 | false | string | null | The cardholder's address, line 2. |
address_city | false | string | null | The cardholder's address city. |
address_zip | false | string | null | The cardholder's address zip. |
address_state | false | string | null | The cardholder's address state. |
address_country | false | string | null | The cardholder's address country. |
Usage examples
Create a new card with a Stripe.js Token (recommended):
// Get the submitted Stripe token
$token = Input::get('stripe_token');
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Create the card
$card = $entity->card()->create($token);
Note: The name of the
field might be different on your application!
Create a new card with a Stripe API Token:
// Create a new card token
$token = Stripe::tokens()->create([
'card' => [
'number' => '4242424242424242',
'exp_month' => 10,
'cvc' => 314,
'exp_year' => 2020,
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Create the card
$card = $entity->card()->create($token['id']);
Create a new card with an array:
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Create the card
$card = $entity->card()->create([
'number' => '4242424242424242',
'exp_month' => 10,
'cvc' => 314,
'exp_year' => 2020,
Create a new card and set it as the default card:
If you want to attach a card to the entity and make it the default card, you need to use the makeDefault()
// Get the submitted Stripe token
$token = Input::get('stripe_token');
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Create the card and make it default
Retrieve a card
To retrieve an existing card that is attached to an entity all you're required to do is to call the find()
method and pass the card id
on the cards
Usage examples
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Find the card
$card = $entity->cards->find(10);
If a more robust search is required, you can use the normal Laravel Eloquent methods like where()
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Find the card
$card = $entity->cards()->where('stripe_id', 'card_15jFeqJvzVWl1WTeGu1fVIuB')->first();
Check if the card is expiring
In this example we'll be checking if the card is expiring in the upcoming month.
// Create a new Carbon object date
$date = Carbon\Carbon::now()->addMonth();
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Find the card
$card = $entity->cards->find(10);
// Check if the card is expiring
if ($card->isExpiring($date)) {
echo 'The card is going to expire next month!';
Check if the entity has active cards
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Check if the entity has active cards
if (! $entity->hasActiveCards()) {
echo "Entity doesn't have any active card!";
Get the entity default Card
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Get the entity default card object
$card = $entity->getDefaultCard();
echo $card->last_four;
Card status
To determine if the card has expired, you may use the hasExpired()
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Find the card
$card = $entity->cards->find(10);
if ($card->hasExpired() {
echo 'The card has expired.';
To determine if the card is expiring, you may use isExpiring(:date)
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Find the card
$card = $entity->cards->find(10);
// Create a new Carbon instance
$date = Carbon\Carbon::now()->addMonth();
if ($card->isExpiring($date)) {
echo 'The card is going to expire next month.';
To determine if the card is the default card, you may use the isDefault()
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Find the card
$card = $entity->cards->find(10);
if ($card->isDefault()) {
echo 'This is the default card.';
Update a card
Updating a card is very easy.
The following are the arguments that the update()
method accepts
Key | Required | Type | Default | Description |
$parameteres | false | array | [] | The card parameteres. |
The following are the valid parameters that the $parameteres
argument accepts.
Key | Required | Type | Default | Description |
exp_month | false | string | number | null | Two digit number representing the card's expiration month. |
exp_year | false | string | number | null | Two or four digit number representing the card's expiration year. |
name | false | string | null | The cardholder's full name. |
address_line1 | false | string | null | The cardholder's address, line 1. |
address_line2 | false | string | null | The cardholder's address, line 2. |
address_city | false | string | null | The cardholder's address city. |
address_zip | false | string | null | The cardholder's address zip. |
address_state | false | string | null | The cardholder's address state. |
address_country | false | string | null | The cardholder's address country. |
metadata | false | array | [] | A set of key/value pairs to attach to the card object. |
Usage examples
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Find the card to be updated
$card = $entity->cards->find(10);
// Update the card
'name' => 'John Doe',
Setting an existing card the default card.
$entity = Entity::find(1);
Update the entity default card
By default this method replaces the current default card with the given one, to override this behavior just pass a boolean of false
as the second argument so it forces the card to not be deleted.
// Get the submitted Stripe token
$token = Input::get('stripe_token');
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Update the card
Note: You can pass a Stripe token or an array, please check the create a card section for more information.
Delete a card
Deleting a card couldn't be more simple, just find the card you want to delete, and call the delete()
method on the card object.
Usage example
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Find the card to be deleted
$card = $entity->cards->find(10);
// Delete the card
Retrieve all cards
To retrieve all cards that are attached to an entity all you're required to do is to call the cards
collection, yeah, that simple.
Usage examples
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Find the cards
$cards = $entity->cards;
If a more robust search is required, you can use the normal Laravel Eloquent methods like where()
, orderBy()
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Find the cards
$cards = $entity->cards()->where('exp_year', '>=', '2014')->get();
Find all expired cards
There are cases where you might need to fetch all the expired cards:
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Find all the expired cards
$cards = $entity->cards()->hasExpired()->get();
Find all non expired cards
You can also retrieve all the non expired cards too :)
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Find all the cards that have not expired
$cards = $entity->cards()->hasNotExpired()->get();
Often you might have the need to synchronize the data from Stripe with your database, we have an easy way to achieve this.
This method synchronizes all the entity cards from Stripe into the local storage.
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Synchronize this entity cards
To charge a credit or a debit card, you create a charge object. You can retrieve and refund individual charges as well as list all charges. Charges are identified by a unique random ID.
Creating a charge
To charge a credit card, you create a charge object. If your API key is in test mode, the supplied card won't actually be charged, though everything else will occur as if in live mode. (Stripe assumes that the charge would have completed successfully).
The following are the arguments that the create()
method of the Card Gateway accepts.
Key | Required | Type | Default | Description |
$amount | true | number | null | The amount to charge. |
$parameters | false | array | [] | The charge parameters. |
The following are the valid parameters that the $parameters
argument accepts when being passed as an array.
Key | Required | Type | Default | Description |
description | false | string | null | An arbitrary string which you can attach to a charge object. |
metadata | false | array | [] | A set of key/value pairs to attach to the charge object. |
capture | false | bool | true | Whether or not to immediately capture the charge. |
statement_descriptor | false | string | null | An arbitrary string to be displayed on your customer's credit card statement. |
receipt_email | false | string | null | The email address to send this charge's receipt to. |
application_fee | false | string | null | A fee in pence that will be applied to the charge and transferred to the application owner's Stripe account. |
shipping | false | array | [] | Shipping information for the charge. Helps prevent fraud on charges for physical goods. |
Usage examples
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Create the charge
$charge = $entity
->create(150.95, [
'description' => 'Purchased Book!',
Creating a charge with a new credit card:
// Get the submitted Stripe token
$token = Input::get('stripe_token');
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Create the charge
$charge = $entity
->create(150.95, [
'description' => 'Purchased Book!',
Creating a charge with a differnt currency:
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Create the charge
$charge = $entity
->create(150.95, [
'description' => 'Purchased Book!',
Creating a charge to be captured later:
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Create the charge
$charge = $entity
->create(150.95, [
'description' => 'Purchased Book!',
Retrieve a charge
To retrieve an existing charge that is attached to an entity all you're required to do is to call the find()
method and pass the charge id
on the charges
Usage examples
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Find the charge
$charge = $entity->charges->find(10);
If a more robust search is required, you can use the normal Laravel Eloquent methods like where()
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Find the charge
$charge = $entity->charges()->where('stripe_id', 'ch_15jaLgJvzVWl1WTeiY8u661R')->first();
Charge status
To determine if the charge is captured, you may use the isCaptured()
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Find the charge
$charge = $entity->charges->find(10);
if (! $charge->isCaptured() {
echo 'The charge is not captured.';
To determine if the charge can be captured, you may use the canBeCaptured()
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Find the charge
$charge = $entity->charges->find(10);
if (! $charge->canBeCaptured() {
echo "The charge can't be captured.";
To determine if the charge is paid, you may use the isPaid()
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Find the charge
$charge = $entity->charges->find(10);
if (! $charge->isPaid() {
echo 'The charge is not paid.';
To determine if the charge is partially refunded, you may use the isPartialRefunded()
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Find the charge
$charge = $entity->charges->find(10);
if ($charge->isPartialRefunded() {
echo 'The charge is partially refunded.';
To determine if the charge is refunded, you may use the isRefunded()
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Find the charge
$charge = $entity->charges->find(10);
if (! $charge->isRefunded() {
echo 'The charge is not refunded.';
Update a charge
Updating a charge is very easy.
The following are the arguments that the update()
method accepts
Key | Required | Type | Default | Description |
$parameters | false | array | [] | The charge parameters. |
The following are the valid parameters that the $parameters
argument accepts when being passed as an array.
Key | Required | Type | Default | Description |
description | false | string | null | An arbitrary string which you can attach to a charge object. |
metadata | false | array | [] | A set of key/value pairs to attach to the charge object. |
receipt_email | false | string | null | The email address to send this charge's receipt to. |
application_fee | false | string | null | A fee in pence that will be applied to the charge and transferred to the application owner's Stripe account. |
fraud_details | false | array | [] | A set of key/value pairs you can attach to a charge giving information about its riskiness. |
Usage example
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Find the charge to be updated
$charge = $entity->charges->find(10);
// Update the charge
'description' => 'Purchased Book!',
Capture a charge
Capture the payment of an existing, uncaptured, charge.
The following are the arguments that the capture()
method accepts
Key | Required | Type | Default | Description |
$amount | false | number | null | The amount to capture, which must be less than or equal to the original amount. Any additional amount will be automatically refunded. |
$parameters | false | array | [] | The charge parameters. |
The following are the valid parameters that the $parameters
argument accepts when being passed as an array.
Key | Required | Type | Default | Description |
application_fee | false | string | null | An application fee to add on to this charge. Can only be used with Stripe Connect. |
receipt_email | false | string | null | The email address to send this charge’s receipt to. |
statement_descriptor | false | string | null | An arbitrary string to be displayed on your customer’s credit card statement. |
Usage examples
Capture the entire charge:
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Find the charge
$charge = $entity->charges->find(10);
// Capture the charge
Capture a charge of a given amount:
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Find the charge
$charge = $entity->charges->find(10);
// Capture the charge
Retrieve all charges
To retrieve all charges that are attached to an entity all you're required to do is to call the charges
collection, yeah, that simple.
Usage examples
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Find the charges
$charges = $entity->charges;
If a more robust search is required, you can use the normal Laravel Eloquent methods like where()
, orderBy()
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Find the charges
$charges = $entity->charges()->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->get();
Find all uncaptured charges
There are cases where you might need to fetch all the uncaptured charges:
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Find all the expired charges
$charges = $entity->charges()->uncaptured()->get();
Find all captured charges
You can also retrieve all the captured charges too :)
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Find all the charges that have not expired
$charges = $entity->charges()->captured()->get();
Often you might have the need to synchronize the data from Stripe with your database, we have an easy way to achieve this.
This method synchronizes all the entity charges from Stripe into the local storage.
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Synchronize this entity charges
Refund objects allow you to refund a charge that has previously been created but not yet refunded. Funds will be refunded to the credit or debit card that was originally charged. The fees you were originally charged are also refunded.
Create a refund
Creating a new refund will refund a charge that has previously been created but not yet refunded. Funds will be refunded to the credit or debit card that was originally charged. The fees you were originally charged are also refunded.
The following are the arguments that the update()
method accepts
Key | Required | Type | Default | Description |
$amount | false | number | null | The amount to refund. |
$parameters | false | array | [] | The charge parameters. |
The following are the valid parameters that the $parameters
argument accepts when being passed as an array.
Key | Required | Type | Default | Description |
refund_application_fee | false | string | null | Boolean indicating whether the application fee should be refunded when refunding this charge. |
reason | false | boolean | false | String indicating the reason for the refund. If set, possible values are `duplicate`, `fraudulent`, and `requested_by_customer`. |
metadata | false | array | [] | A set of key/value pairs to attach to the charge object. |
Usage examples
Do a full refund
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Find the charge
$charge = $entity->charges->find(10);
// Refund the charge
Do a partial refund
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Find the charge
$charge = $entity->charges->find(10);
// Refund the charge
Retrieve a refund
To retrieve an existing charge refund call the find()
method and pass the refund id
on the refunds
Usage examples
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Find the charge
$charge = $entity->charges->find(10);
// Find the refund
$refund = $charge->refunds->find(2020);
If a more robust search is required, you can use the normal Laravel Eloquent methods like where()
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Find the charge
$charge = $entity->charges->find(10);
// Find the refund
$refund = $entity->refunds()->where('stripe_id', 're_15iBdsJvzVWl1WTevOaPONHV')->first();
Update a refund
Updating a refund is very easy.
The following are the arguments that the update()
method accepts
Key | Required | Type | Default | Description |
$metadata | false | array | [] | The refund metadata. |
Note: Only the metadata can be updated on refunds.
Usage example
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Find the charge
$charge = $entity->charges->find(10);
// Find the refund to be updated
$refund = $charge->refunds->find(2020);
// Update the refund
'key' => 'value',
Retrieve all refunds
To retrieve all refunds that are attached to a charge all you're required to do is to call the refunds
collection, yeah, that simple.
Usage examples
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Find the charge
$charge = $entity->charges->find(10);
// Find the refunds
$refunds = $charge->refunds;
If a more robust search is required, you can use the normal Laravel Eloquent methods like where()
, orderBy()
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Find the charge
$charge = $entity->charges->find(10);
// Find the refunds
$refunds = $charge->refunds()->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->get();
Subscriptions allow you to charge a customer's card on a recurring basis. A subscription ties a customer to a particular plan you've created.
Create a subscription
Subscribing an entity to a plan:
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Create the subscription
Subscribing an entity to a plan using a new card:
// Get the submitted Stripe token
$token = Input::get('stripe_token');
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Create the subscription
Subscribing an entity to a plan and apply a coupon to this new subscription:
// Get the submitted coupon
$coupon = Input::get('coupon');
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Create the subscription
Create a trial subscription:
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Create the subscription
Retrieve a subscription
To retrieve an existing subscription that is attached to an entity all you're required to do is to call the find()
method and pass the subscription id
on the subscriptions
Usage examples
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Find the subscription
$subscription = $entity->subscriptions->find(10);
If a more robust search is required, you can use the normal Laravel Eloquent methods like where()
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Find the subscription
$subscription = $entity->subscriptions()->where('stripe_id', 'sub_5vp6DX7N6yVJqY')->first();
Check if the entity has active subscriptions
You can check if an entity has active subscriptions by calling the isSubscribed()
method on the entity object:
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Check if the entity has any active subscription
if ($entity->isSubscribed()) {
echo 'Entity has at least one active subscription!';
Subscription status
To determine if the subscription is on the trial period, you may use the onTrialPeriod()
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Find the subscription
$subscription = $entity->subscriptions->find(10);
if ($subscription->onTrialPeriod()) {
echo "Subscription is on trial period from {$subscription->trial_starts_at} to {$subscription->trial_ends_at}!";
To determine if the subscription is marked as canceled, you may use the isCanceled()
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Find the subscription
$subscription = $entity->subscriptions->find(10);
if ($subscription->isCanceled()) {
echo "Subscription was canceled on {$subscription->canceled_at}!";
To determine if the subscription has expired, you may use the isExpired()
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Find the subscription
$subscription = $entity->subscriptions->find(10);
if ($subscription->isExpired()) {
echo "Subscription has expired on {$subscription->ended_at}!";
To determine if a subscription is still on their "grace period" until the subscription fully expires. For example, if a user cancels a subscription on March 5th that was scheduled to end on March 10th, the user is on their "grace period" until March 10th.
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Find the subscription
$subscription = $entity->subscriptions->find(10);
if ($subscription->onGracePeriod()) {
echo "Subscription is on it's grace period until {$subscription->period_ends_at}.";
Update a subscription
Swap the current subscription plan to another
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Find the subscription
$subscription = $entity->subscriptions->find(10);
// Swap the subscription plan
Apply a trial period on a subscription
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Find the subscription
$subscription = $entity->subscriptions->find(10);
// Create a new Carbon instance
$trialPeriod = Carbon::now()->addDays(14);
// Set the trial on the subscription
Removing the trial period from a subscription
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Find the subscription
$subscription = $entity->subscriptions->find(10);
// Remove the trial from the subscription
Apply a coupon to an existing subscription
// Get the submitted coupon
$coupon = Input::get('coupon');
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Find the subscription
$subscription = $entity->subscriptions->find(10);
// Apply the coupon
Remove a coupon from an existing subscription
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Find the subscription
$subscription = $entity->subscriptions->find(10);
// Remove the coupon
Cancel a subscription
Cancel an active subscription.
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Find the subscription
$subscription = $entity->subscriptions->find(10);
// Cancel the subscription
Cancel a subscription at the end of the billing period
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Find the subscription
$subscription = $entity->subscriptions->find(10);
// Cancel the subscription
Resume a subscription
Resume a canceled subscription
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Find the subscription
$subscription = $entity->subscriptions->find(10);
// Resume the subscription
Resume a canceled subscription and remove its trial period
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Find the subscription
$subscription = $entity->subscriptions->find(10);
// Skip the trial period and resume the subscription
Resume a canceled subscription and change its trial period end date
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Find the subscription
$subscription = $entity->subscriptions->find(10);
// Create a new Carbon instance
$trialPeriod = Carbon::now()->addDays(14);
// Set the trial period and resume the subscription
Retrieve all subscriptions
To retrieve all subscriptions that are attached to an entity all you're required to do is to call the subscriptions
collection, yeah, that simple.
Usage examples
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Find the subscriptions
$subscriptions = $entity->subscriptions;
If a more robust search is required, you can use the normal Laravel Eloquent methods like where()
, orderBy()
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Find the subscriptions
$subscriptions = $entity->subscriptions()->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->get();
Find all expired subscriptions
There are cases where you might need to fetch all the expired subscriptions:
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Find all the expired subscriptions
$subscriptions = $entity->subscriptions()->expired()->get();
Often you might have the need to synchronize the data from Stripe with your database, we have an easy way to achieve this.
This method synchronizes all the entity subscriptions from Stripe into the local storage.
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Synchronize this entity subscriptions
Invoices are statements of what a customer owes for a particular billing period, including subscriptions, invoice items, and any automatic proration adjustments if necessary.
Create an invoice
If you need to invoice your customer outside the regular billing cycle, you can create an invoice that pulls in all pending invoice items, including prorations. The customer's billing cycle and regular subscription won't be affected.
Once you create the invoice, it'll be picked up and paid automatically, though you can choose to pay it right away.
The following are the arguments that the create()
method of the Invoice Gateway accepts.
Key | Required | Type | Default | Description |
$parameters | false | array | [] | The invoice item parameters. |
The following are the valid parameters that the $parameters
argument accepts when being passed as an array.
Key | Required | Type | Default | Description |
items | false | array | [] | The items to be created with this invoice. |
application_fee | false | string | null | A fee in pence that will be applied to the invoice and transferred to the application owner's Stripe account. |
description | false | string | null | An arbitrary string which you can attach to a invoice item object. |
metadata | false | array | [] | A set of key/value pairs to attach to the invoice object. |
statement_descriptor | false | string | null | An arbitrary string to be displayed on your customer's credit card statement. |
subscription | false | string | null | The ID of a subscription to add this invoice item to. |
tax_percent | false | number | null | The percent tax rate applied to the invoice, represented as a decimal number. |
Usage examples
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Create the invoice
$invoice = $entity->invoice()->create();
Create a new invoice and set the items for this invoice:
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Create the invoice
$invoice = $entity
Create a new invoice and set the currency for the invoice items:
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Create the invoice
$invoice = $entity
Create a new invoice for a specific subscription:
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Create the invoice
$invoice = $entity
Retrieve a invoice
To retrieve an existing invoice that is attached to an entity all you're required to do is to call the find()
method and pass the invoice id
on the invoices
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Find the invoice
$invoice = $entity->invoices->find(10);
If a more robust search is required, you can use the normal Laravel Eloquent methods like where()
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Find the invoice
$invoice = $entity->invoices()->where('stripe_id', 'in_15kPp3JvzVWl1WTe4KBHXGqK')->first();
Invoice status
To determine if the invoice is closed, you may use the isClosed()
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Find the invoice
$invoice = $entity->invoices->find(10);
if (! $invoice->isClosed() {
echo 'The invoice is not closed.';
To determine if the invoice is paid, you may use the isPaid()
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Find the invoice
$invoice = $entity->invoices->find(10);
if (! $invoice->isPaid() {
echo 'The invoice is not paid.';
Update an invoice
Until an invoice is paid, it is marked as open (closed=false). If you'd like to stop Stripe from automatically attempting payment on an invoice or would simply like to close the invoice out as no longer owed by the customer, you can update the closed parameter.
The following are the arguments that the create()
method of the Invoice Gateway accepts.
Key | Required | Type | Default | Description |
$parameters | false | array | [] | The invoice item parameters. |
The following are the valid parameters that the $parameters
argument accepts when being passed as an array.
Key | Required | Type | Default | Description |
application_fee | false | string | null | A fee in pence that will be applied to the invoice and transferred to the application owner's Stripe account. |
closed | false | boolean | null | Boolean representing whether an invoice is closed or not. To close an invoice, pass true. |
description | false | string | null | An arbitrary string which you can attach to a invoice item object. |
forgiven | false | boolean | null | Boolean representing whether an invoice is forgiven or not. |
metadata | false | array | [] | A set of key/value pairs to attach to the invoice object. |
statement_descriptor | false | string | null | An arbitrary string to be displayed on your customer's credit card statement. |
subscription | false | string | null | The ID of a subscription to add this invoice item to. |
tax_percent | false | number | null | The percent tax rate applied to the invoice, represented as a decimal number. |
Usage example
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Find the invoice
$invoice = $entity->invoices->find(10);
// Update the invoice
'closed' => true,
Pay an invoice
Stripe automatically creates and then attempts to pay invoices for customers on subscriptions. We'll also retry unpaid invoices according to your retry settings. However, if you'd like to attempt to collect payment on an invoice out of the normal retry schedule or for some other reason, you can do so.
Usage example
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Find the invoice
$invoice = $entity->invoices->find(10);
if (! $invoice->isPaid()) {
// Pay the invoice
Retrieve all invoices
To retrieve all invoices that are attached to an entity all you're required to do is to call the invoices
collection, yeah, that simple.
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Find the invoices
$invoices = $entity->invoices;
If a more robust search is required, you can use the normal Laravel Eloquent methods like where()
, orderBy()
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Find the invoices
$invoices = $entity->invoices()->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->get();
Often you might have the need to synchronize the data from Stripe with your database, we have an easy way to achieve this.
This method synchronizes all the entity invoices from Stripe into the local storage.
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Synchronize this entity invoices
Invoice Items
Sometimes you want to add a charge or credit to a customer but only actually charge the customer's card at the end of a regular billing cycle. This is useful for combining several charges to minimize per-transaction fees or having Stripe tabulate your usage-based billing totals.
Create an invoice item
Adds an arbitrary charge or credit to the customer's upcoming invoice.
The following are the arguments that the create()
method of the Invoice Item Gateway accepts.
Key | Required | Type | Default | Description |
$amount | true | number | null | The amount to charge. |
$parameters | false | array | [] | The invoice item parameters. |
The following are the valid parameters that the $parameters
argument accepts when being passed as an array.
Key | Required | Type | Default | Description |
currency | false | string | USD | Currency in which the invoice item will be created. |
invoice | false | string | null | The ID of an existing invoice to add this invoice item to. |
subscription | false | string | null | The ID of a subscription to add this invoice item to. |
description | false | string | null | An arbitrary string which you can attach to a invoice item object. |
discountable | false | boolean | false | Controls whether discounts apply to this invoice item. |
metadata | false | array | [] | A set of key/value pairs to attach to the charge object. |
Usage examples
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Create the invoice item
$invoiceItem = $entity->invoiceItem()->create(12.50);
Create a new invoice item for a different currency:
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Create the invoice item
$invoiceItem = $entity
Create a new invoice item for a specific subscription:
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Create the invoice item
$invoiceItem = $entity
Retrieve an invoice item
To retrieve an existing invoice item that is attached to an entity all you're required to do is to call the find()
method and pass the charge id
on the invoiceItems
Usage examples
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Find the invoice item
$invoiceItem = $entity->invoiceItems->find(10);
If a more robust search is required, you can use the normal Laravel Eloquent methods like where()
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Find the invoice item
$invoiceItem = $entity->invoiceItems()->where('stripe_id', 'ch_15jaLgJvzVWl1WTeiY8u661R')->first();
Update an invoice item
Updating an invoice item is very easy.
The following are the arguments that the update()
method accepts
Key | Required | Type | Default | Description |
$parameteres | false | array | [] | The invoice item parameteres. |
The following are the valid parameters that the $parameteres
argument accepts.
Key | Required | Type | Default | Description |
amount | false | number | null | The amount to charge. |
description | false | string | null | An arbitrary string which you can attach to a invoice item object. |
discountable | false | boolean | false | Controls whether discounts apply to this invoice item. |
metadata | false | array | [] | A set of key/value pairs to attach to the charge object. |
Usage example
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Find the invoice item to be updated
$invoiceItem = $entity->invoiceItems->find(10);
// Update the invoice item
'amount' => 50.99,
Delete an invoice item
Deleting an invoice item couldn't be more simple, just find the invoice item you want to delete, and call the delete()
method on the invoice item object.
Usage example
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Find the invoice item to be deleted
$invoiceItem = $entity->invoiceItems->find(10);
// Delete the invoice item
Retrieve all invoice items
To retrieve all invoice items that are attached to an entity all you're required to do is to call the invoiceItems
collection, yeah, that simple.
Usage examples
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Find the invoice items
$invoiceItems = $entity->invoiceItems;
If a more robust search is required, you can use the normal Laravel Eloquent methods like where()
, orderBy()
// Get the entity object
$entity = Entity::find(1);
// Find the invoice items
$invoiceItems = $entity->invoiceItems()->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->get();
On this section we have a list of all the events fired by the Stripe Laravel Billing package that you can listen for on your application.
Event | Parameters | Description |
cartalyst.stripe.card.created | $entity, $card, $response | Event fired when a new credit card is attached to the entity. |
cartalyst.stripe.card.updated | $entity, $card, $response | Event fired when an existing credit card is updated. |
cartalyst.stripe.card.deleted | $entity, $card | Event fired when an existing credit card is deleted. |
cartalyst.stripe.charge.created | $entity, $charge, $response | Event fired when a new charge is created. |
cartalyst.stripe.charge.updated | $entity, $charge, $response | Event fired when an existing charge is updated. |
cartalyst.stripe.charge.refund.created | $entity, $chargeRefund, $response | Event fired when a charge refund is created. |
cartalyst.stripe.charge.refund.updated | $entity, $chargeRefund, $response | Event fired when an existing charge refund is updated. |
cartalyst.stripe.invoice.created | $entity, $invoice, $response | Event fired when a new invoice is attached to the entity. |
cartalyst.stripe.invoice.updated | $entity, $invoice, $response | Event fired when an existing invoice is updated. |
cartalyst.stripe.invoice.paid | $entity, $invoice, $response | Event fired when an existing invoice is paid. |
cartalyst.stripe.invoice.item.created | $entity, $invoiceItem, $response | Event fired when a new invoice item is created. |
cartalyst.stripe.invoice.item.updated | $entity, $invoiceItem, $response | Event fired when an existing invoice item is updated. |
cartalyst.stripe.invoice.item.deleted | $entity, $invoiceItem | Event fired when an existing invoice item is deleted. |
cartalyst.stripe.subscription.created | $entity, $subscription, $response | Event fired when a new subscription is attached to the entity. |
cartalyst.stripe.subscription.updated | $entity, $subscription, $response | Event fired when an existing subscription is updated. |
cartalyst.stripe.subscription.canceled | $entity, $subscription, $response | Event fired when an existing subscription is canceled. |
cartalyst.stripe.subscription.resumed | $entity, $subscription, $response | Event fired when an existing subscription is resumed. |
Note: Please refer to the list below for the FQCN event
Parameter | Response |
$entity | Cartalyst\Stripe\Laravel\Billing\BillingContract |
$response | array |
$card | Cartalyst\Stripe\Laravel\Billing\Card\Contract |
$charge | Cartalyst\Stripe\Laravel\Billing\Charge\Contract |
$chargeRefund | Cartalyst\Stripe\Laravel\Billing\ChargeRefund\Contract |
$invoice | Cartalyst\Stripe\Laravel\Billing\Invoice\Contract |
$invoiceItem | Cartalyst\Stripe\Laravel\Billing\InvoiceItem\Contract |
$subscription | Cartalyst\Stripe\Laravel\Billing\Subscription\Contract |
Whenever a new subscription is attached to an entity.
use Cartalyst\Stripe\Laravel\Billing\BillingContract;
use Cartalyst\Stripe\Laravel\Billing\Subscription\Contract as Subscription;
Event::listen('cartalyst.stripe.subscription.created', function(BillingContract $entity, $response, Subscription $subscription)
// Apply your own logic here
Whenever an existing subscription is canceled.
use Cartalyst\Stripe\Laravel\Billing\BillingContract;
use Cartalyst\Stripe\Laravel\Billing\Subscription\Contract as Subscription;
Event::listen('cartalyst.stripe.subscription.canceled', function(BillingContract $entity, $response, Subscription $subscription)
// Apply your own logic here
Whenever an existing subscription is resumed.
use Cartalyst\Stripe\Laravel\Billing\BillingContract;
use Cartalyst\Stripe\Laravel\Billing\Subscription\Contract as Subscription;
Event::listen('cartalyst.stripe.subscription.resumed', function(BillingContract $entity, $response, Subscription $subscription)
// Apply your own logic here
Extending Models
Extending the default models is very easy, we provide handy methods you can utilise with your entity models in case you require extra functionality
Firstly you create your model(s) and this model needs to extend the model you want to "override", here's an example on how to do it:
use Cartalyst\Stripe\Laravel\Billing\Card\Model;
class Card extends Model {
// You can create any new methods here or if
// required, you can override any existing
// method to apply your custom features.
Note: Please use the list below for a complete list of models namespace paths.
Models list
Model Name | FQCN |
Card | Cartalyst\Stripe\Laravel\Billing\Card\Model |
Charge | Cartalyst\Stripe\Laravel\Billing\Charge\Model |
ChargeRefund | Cartalyst\Stripe\Laravel\Billing\ChargeRefund\Model |
Invoice | Cartalyst\Stripe\Laravel\Billing\Invoice\Model |
InvoiceItem | Cartalyst\Stripe\Laravel\Billing\InvoiceItem\Model |
Subscription | Cartalyst\Stripe\Laravel\Billing\Subscription\Model |
Set the models
Now that you've the model(s) created, it's time to set them.
This can be done where you see it's more appropriate on your application, as an example, you can do this on a file like the app/filters.php
, this is to ensure you only apply this change once per request!
Note: We recommended that this should be done the earlier as you can on your application.
This method will change the card model on the entity.
This method will change the charge model on the entity.
This method will change the charge refunds model on the entity.
This method will change the invoice model on the entity.
This method will change the invoice items model on the entity.
This method will change the subscription model on the entity.
Note: The
model we're using for these examples, is the model you've applied the Billable Trait!
Listening to Stripe notification events (Webhooks) is incredible easy and you can listen to any notification that Stripe sends.
First create a new controller somewhere inside your application that extends our Cartalyst\Stripe\Laravel\Billing\Controllers\WebhookController
namespace Acme\Controllers;
use Cartalyst\Stripe\Laravel\Billing\Controllers\WebhookController as BaseWebhookController;
class WebhookController extends BaseWebhookController {
Note: The controller name and namespace is just for the example, you can name and place the controller where it fits best inside your application.
Now you need to register a post
route that points to your controller:
Route::post('webhook/stripe', [ 'as' => 'stripe.webhook', 'uses' => 'Acme\Controllers\WebhookController@handleWebhook' ]);
Note: The route URI
and it's namestripe.webhook
is just for the example, you can name them how you please, just make sure it uses thehandleWebhook
Once you have your route registered, you'll need to go into your Dashboard and setup the webhook.
Handling events
Now you just need to create the notification event handlers inside your controller, we have a few examples prepared below:
namespace Acme\Controllers;
use Cartalyst\Stripe\Laravel\Billing\Controllers\WebhookController as BaseWebhookController;
class WebhookController extends BaseWebhookController {
* Handles a successful payment.
* @param array $payload
* @return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response
public function handleChargeSucceeded($payload)
$charge = $this->handlePayment($payload);
// apply your own logic here if required
return $this->sendResponse('Webhook successfully handled.');
* Handles a failed payment.
* @param array $payload
* @return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response
public function handleChargeFailed($payload)
$charge = $this->handlePayment($payload);
// apply your own logic here if required
return $this->sendResponse('Webhook successfully handled.');
* Handles a payment refund.
* @param array $payload
* @return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response
public function handleChargeRefunded($payload)
$charge = $this->handlePayment($payload);
// apply your own logic here if required
return $this->sendResponse('Webhook successfully handled.');
* Handles the payment event.
* @param array $charge
* @return \Cartalyst\Stripe\Billing\Models\IlluminateCharge
protected function handlePayment($charge)
$entity = $this->getBillable($charge['customer']);
return $entity->charges()->whereStripeId($charge['id'])->first();
Note 1: The examples above are merely for demonstration, you can apply your own logic for each event notification, we're just showing the power of the synchronization methods the Stripe Laravel Billing package has to offer :)
Note 2: Please refer to the list below for all the events that Stripe sends and to know how you should name your handler methods inside your controller.
Types of Events
Below is a complete list of all the webhook type events that sends.
We're covering in this list the proper method name you should use on your webhook controller.
Stripe Event Name | Controller Method Name | Description |
account.updated | handleAccountUpdated | Occurs whenever an account status or property has changed. |
account.application.deauthorized | handleAccountApplicationDeauthorized | Occurs whenever a user deauthorizes an application. Sent to the related application only. |
application_fee.created | handleApplicationFeeCreated | Occurs whenever an application fee is created on a charge. |
application_fee.refunded | handleBalanceAvailable | Occurs whenever your Stripe balance has been updated (e.g. when a charge collected is available to be paid out). By default, Stripe will automatically transfer any funds in your balance to your bank account on a daily basis. |
charge.succeeded | handleChargeSucceeded | Occurs whenever a new charge is created and is successful. |
charge.failed | handleChargeFailed | Occurs whenever a failed charge attempt occurs. |
charge.refunded | handleChargeRefunded | Occurs whenever a charge is refunded, including partial refunds. |
charge.captured | handleChargeCaptured | Occurs whenever a previously uncaptured charge is captured. |
charge.updated | handleChargeUpdated | Occurs whenever a charge description or metadata is updated. |
charge.dispute.created | handleChargeDisputeCreated | Occurs whenever a customer disputes a charge with their bank (chargeback). |
charge.dispute.updated | handleChargeDisputeUpdated | Occurs when the dispute is updated (usually with evidence). |
charge.dispute.closed | handleChargeDisputeClosed | Occurs when the dispute is resolved and the dispute status changes to won or lost. |
customer.created | handleCustomerCreated | Occurs whenever a new customer is created. |
customer.updated | handleCustomerUpdated | Occurs whenever any property of a customer changes. |
customer.deleted | handleCustomerDeleted | Occurs whenever a customer is deleted. |
customer.card.created | handleCustomerCardCreated | Occurs whenever a new card is created for the customer. |
customer.card.updated | handleCustomerCardUpdated | Occurs whenever a card's details are changed. |
customer.card.deleted | handleCustomerCardDeleted | Occurs whenever a card is removed from a customer. |
customer.subscription.created | handleCustomerSubscriptionCreated | Occurs whenever a customer with no subscription is signed up for a plan. |
customer.subscription.updated | handleCustomerSubscriptionUpdated | Occurs whenever a subscription changes. Examples would include switching from one plan to another, or switching status from trial to active. |
customer.subscription.deleted | handleCustomerSubscriptionDeleted | Occurs whenever a customer ends their subscription. |
customer.subscription.trialwillend | handleCustomerSubscriptionTrialWillEnd | Occurs three days before the trial period of a subscription is scheduled to end. | | handleCustomerDiscountCreated | Occurs whenever a coupon is attached to a customer. | | handleCustomerDiscountUpdated | Occurs whenever a customer is switched from one coupon to another. | | handleCustomerDiscountDeleted | Occurs whenever a customer's discount is removed. |
invoice.created | handleInvoiceCreated | Occurs whenever a new invoice is created. If you are using webhooks, Stripe will wait one hour after they have all succeeded to attempt to pay the invoice; the only exception here is on the first invoice, which gets created and paid immediately when you subscribe a customer to a plan. If your webhooks do not all respond successfully, Stripe will continue retrying the webhooks every hour and will not attempt to pay the invoice. After 3 days, Stripe will attempt to pay the invoice regardless of whether or not your webhooks have succeeded. See how to respond to a webhook. |
invoice.updated | handleInvoiceUpdated | Occurs whenever an invoice changes (for example, the amount could change). |
invoice.payment_succeeded | handleInvoicePaymentSucceeded | Occurs whenever an invoice attempts to be paid, and the payment succeeds. |
invoice.payment_failed | handleInvoicePaymentFailed | Occurs whenever an invoice attempts to be paid, and the payment fails. This can occur either due to a declined payment, or because the customer has no active card. A particular case of note is that if a customer with no active card reaches the end of its free trial, an invoice.payment_failed notification will occur. |
invoiceitem.created | handleInvoiceitemCreated | Occurs whenever an invoice item is created. |
invoiceitem.updated | handleInvoiceitemUpdated | Occurs whenever an invoice item is updated. |
invoiceitem.deleted | handleInvoiceitemDeleted | Occurs whenever an invoice item is deleted. |
plan.created | handlePlanCreated | Occurs whenever a plan is created. |
plan.updated | handlePlanUpdated | Occurs whenever a plan is updated. |
plan.deleted | handlePlanDeleted | Occurs whenever a plan is deleted. |
coupon.created | handleCouponCreated | Occurs whenever a coupon is created. |
coupon.deleted | handleCouponDeleted | Occurs whenever a coupon is deleted. |
transfer.created | handleTransferCreated | Occurs whenever a new transfer is created. |
transfer.updated | handleTransferUpdated | Occurs whenever the description or metadata of a transfer is updated. |
transfer.paid | handleTransferPaid | Occurs whenever a sent transfer is expected to be available in the destination bank account. If the transfer failed, a transfer.failed webhook will additionally be sent at a later time. |
transfer.failed | handleTransferFailed | Occurs whenever Stripe attempts to send a transfer and that transfer fails. |