Cartalyst LLC.
Testing by Cartalyst

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Cartalyst's Testing package contains a base testing class containig common classes mocks bound into an IoC container.

The package requires PHP 5.4+ and follows the FIG standard PSR-4 to ensure a high level of interoperability between shared PHP code.

Have a read through the Installation Guide.


The best and easiest way to install the testing package is with Composer.


Open your composer.json file and add the following to the require-dev array:

"cartalyst/testing": "1.0.*"

Note: Make sure that after the required changes your composer.json file is valid by running composer validate.

Install the dependencies

Run Composer to install or update the new requirement.

php composer install


php composer update

Now you are able to require the vendor/autoload.php file to autoload the package.


In this section we'll show how you can make use of the base testing class.

On any phpunit test case, extend the Cartalyst\Testing\IlluminateTestCase instead of the PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase.

Start using the helpers and bindings on your class.

use Cartalyst\Testing\IlluminateTestCase;

class AdminContentControllerTest extends IlluminateTestCase {

    public function fooTest()




IoC Bindings

The current classes are bound into the $app variable on the base class.

Binding Class
alerts Cartalyst\Alerts\Alerts
cache Illuminate\Cache\CacheManager
config Illuminate\Config\Repository
datagrid Cartalyst\DataGrid\DataGrid
events Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher
files Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem
redirect Illuminate\Routing\Redirector
request Illuminate\Http\Request
sentinel Cartalyst\Sentinel\Sentinel
session Illuminate\Session\SessionManager
translator Illuminate\Translation\Translator
url Illuminate\Routing\UrlGenerator
validator Illuminate\Validation\Factory
view Illuminate\View\Factory

Note: You can pass custom key/value pairs into the array, please check the examples below.


The helpers below will set expectations on different classes to reduce the amount of code required for common expectations.

All helper methods are chainable, meaning you can chain both on one method call.



The trans method sets an expectation on the translator class, passing in a number to the trans method will set the number of times the expectation should be called.



Sets an expectation on the redirect class, it receives an argument of the method that should be expected.


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