Cartalyst LLC.
Workshop by Cartalyst

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Cartalyst's Workshop package contains several generators that make scaffolding resources for Platform 6+ a breeze.

The package requires PHP 5.6.4+ and follows the FIG standard PSR-4 to ensure a high level of interoperability between shared PHP code and is unit-tested.

Have a read through the Installation Guide.


The best and easiest way to install the workshop package is with Composer.


Open your composer.json file and add the following to the require array:

"cartalyst/workshop": "3.0.*"

Note: Make sure that after the required changes your composer.json file is valid by running composer validate.

Install the dependencies

Run Composer to install or update the new requirement.

php composer install


php composer update

Now you are able to require the vendor/autoload.php file to autoload the package.


In this section we'll show how you can make use of the workshop generators.


DataGrid Generator

The data grid generator can generate data grid view files accompanied with the js file required to initialize it and the help file and content block.

use Cartalyst\Workshop\Generators\DataGridGenerator;

$generator = new DataGridGenerator('foo/bar', $app['files'], $app['html'], $app['form']);


The create method can receive several arguments.

Argument Required Type Default
name Yes string -
themeArea No string admin
theme No string default
viewName No string index
columns No array []
model No string null

The create command will generate the following files and directories.

|-- lang
|   `-- en
|       `-- posts
|           `-- model.php
`-- themes
    `-- admin
        `-- default
            `-- packages
                `-- foo
                    `-- bar
                        |-- assets
                        |   `-- posts
                        |       `-- js
                        |           `-- index.js
                        `-- views
                            `-- posts
                                |-- content
                                |   `--
                                |-- grid
                                |   `-- index
                                |       |-- filters.blade.php
                                |       |-- no_filters.blade.php
                                |       |-- no_results.blade.php
                                |       |-- pagination.blade.php
                                |       `-- results.blade.php
                                |-- help.blade.php
                                `-- index.blade.php

Extension Generator

The extension generator can generate the core files and resources for an extension.

use Cartalyst\Workshop\Generators\ExtensionGenerator;

$generator = new ExtensionGenerator('foo/bar', $app['files']);


The create command will generate the following files and directories.

|-- composer.json
|-- database
|   |-- migrations
|   |   `-- .gitkeep
|   `-- seeds
|       `-- .gitkeep
`-- extension.php
Additional methods
  • createModel($name)

Creates a model.

  • createWidget($name)

Creates a widget.

  • createController($name, $area)

Creates a controller.

$generator->createController('foo', 'admin');
  • writeComposerFile()

Writes the composer.json file.

  • writeExtensionFile()

Writes the extension.php file.

  • writeRoutes($resource, $adminRoutes, $frontendRoutes)

Writes the routes section on the extension.php file.

$generator->writeRoutes('post', true, false);
  • writeServiceProvider($resource)

Writes the service providers section on the extension.php file.

  • writePermissions($resource)

Writes the permissions section on the extension.php file.

  • writeMenus($resource)

Writes the menus section on the extension.php file.

  • writeLang($resource)

Writes the core language files. (common.php, message.php, permissions.php)


Extension Theme Generator

The extension theme generator can generate theme directories.

use Cartalyst\Workshop\Generators\ExtensionThemeGenerator;

$generator = new ExtensionThemeGenerator('foo/bar', $app['files']);


The create method can receive several arguments.

Argument Required Type Default
area Yes string -
theme No string default

The create command will generate the following files and directories.

`-- themes
    `-- admin
        `-- default
            `-- packages
                `-- foo
                    `-- bar
                        |-- assets
                        |   |-- css
                        |   |   `-- style.css
                        |   `-- js
                        |       `-- script.js
                        `-- views
                            `-- .gitkeep

Form Generator

The form generator can generate form view files.

use Cartalyst\Workshop\Generators\FormGenerator;

$generator = new FormGenerator('foo/bar', $app['files']);


The create method can receive several arguments.

Argument Required Type Default
model Yes string -
columns No array []
view No string form

The create command will generate the following files and directories.

|-- lang
|   `-- en
|       `-- posts
|           `-- model.php
`-- themes
    `-- admin
        `-- default
            `-- packages
                `-- foo
                    `-- bar
                        `-- views
                            `-- posts
                                `-- form.blade.php

Migrations Generator

The migrations generator can generate migrations and seeders.

use Cartalyst\Workshop\Generators\MigrationsGenerator;

$generator = new MigrationsGenerator('foo/bar', $app['files']);


The create method can receive several arguments.

Argument Required Type Default
table Yes string -
columns No array []
increments No bool true
timestamps No bool true

The create command will generate the following files and directories.

`-- database
    `-- migrations
        `-- 2015_01_27_184239_alter_posts_table.php

Repository Generator

The repository generator can generate repositories and handlers that are used on the repositories.

use Cartalyst\Workshop\Generators\RepositoryGenerator;

$generator = new RepositoryGenerator('foo/bar', $app['files']);


The create method can receive one argument.

Argument Required Type Default
model Yes string -

The create command will generate the following files and directories.

`-- src
    |-- Handlers
    |   |-- PostDataHandler.php
    |   |-- PostDataHandlerInterface.php
    |   |-- PostEventHandler.php
    |   |-- PostEventHandlerInterface.php
    |   |-- PostValidator.php
    |   `-- PostValidatorInterface.php
    `-- Repositories
        |-- PostRepository.php
        `-- PostRepositoryInterface.php


Stub files are located under src/stubs/*, you can override the default stubs by setting a stubs directory using Cartalyst\Workshop\Generators\AbstractGenerator::setStubsDir($dir) and just override the stub files you need changed on that directory.

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